ADSBC Online Exhibits & Galleries

From the moment they were brought to the New World, people of African Descent have fought and persevered through many challenges and hardships. Making their way to Canada was no different, except that many were able to make it here of their own free will. These are the stories of settlement, perseverance and triumphs.

In our promotion of educational awareness, African Descent Society BC has created online exhibitions – full stories as well as historical galleries – so that everyone may have access and educate themselves on BC’s African Descent history. We hope that you find them informative and a great springboard to further education on the topics on display. Feel free to let us know of a topic you would like to learn more about or of something you particularly enjoyed!

These exhibitions are free for all, but they do take time to curate and create. Help us create more exciting content by donating to our society!

Stories Exhibits

The ADSBC has researched and curated material to put together several informative, educational and engaging stories that give a thorough, yet concise snapshot on our British Columbia African Descent history.


From the United States to Victoria, Searching for Freedom


Vancouver 1900-1976


Early Vancouver Settlers since 1859

Exhibit Galleries:

We have been blessed with an abundance of historical and significant photos. What to do with them? Rather than keep them solely for future stories, we have taken the photos that we have amassed and put them into historical galleries.